Friday, August 11, 2006

More Band Pictures

More band pictures, I guess that is all that I have been doing. I am coming home soon, 13 days in fact. Hence my lack of introspection and embrasure (is this even a word?) of shameless self promotions.

Let me introduce my band, it'll make me feel less guilty about just posting pictures and not having anything to say about them...

This is Mike and Gino. Our singer and bass player. Mike is from Windsor and has been singing and playing in bands for years. He has a very dynamic vocal range and does Jim Morrison and Robert Plant in the same set with ease. In this picture he seems to be either a) lamenting the retreat of his hairline b) struggling with 3rd verse-itis, or c) wondering what the hell Gino is trying to play.

So there is Gino, definitely a man of many seasons. Heis actually a great guitarist who took the ultimate silver bullet in the heart, the final sacrifice any six string web slinger could make...he agreed to play bass in order to get into a band. You would never know by listening though, he makes it look easy. He also one of those guys who has somehow found the time to have learned 675% more songs than I have ever heard of.

And then there is this guy, Kevin...Kevin O'Shea. The rare drummer who actually listens while he is drumming. The funny thing I have learned is that musicians all do wierd things when they are nervous. And every musician gets nervous, if they don't they are either dead inside or they are too drunk to feel anything. Most musicians just get sweaty, I get clammy and rigid. I couldn't smile to save my life. With drummers though, they have a lot of work to do and they generally tend to slow down the tempo (or drop their sticks on the ground, maybe vomit all over the high happens) BUT Kevin speeds things up. The first two songs of our first set fly by.

It kind of helps me loosen up in fact.


Blogger Kevin O said...

Here's he deal....when you get back from jump up and down...thrashing your head while playin...and I'll start every set "on-tempo" speeding up!!!

Have a sweet vacation....see ya in Shanghai!

9:54 AM  

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