I've been home for about 2 weeks now and I'm feeling pretty damn good about it. I mean, really...look at that! Patios and lakes with trees that have living things in and around them that haven't all been eaten.
There are downsides of course to being back home.
Taxes are a little weird. I find something that should cost 9.99 ends up swallowing a whole 20 dollar bill and spitting out a kilogram of change. I hate change...it goes in bucket in my closet. So, I'm out twenty for the 9.99 buy, but I have about 200 bucks in change saved up after only about 2 weeks.
Back to the upsides...
I haven't heard a car horn in 2 weeks. I get woken up every morning to the sounds of birds singing. I can run everyday on dirt paths, without having to wait for any traffic lights, or dodge any weaving taxis or delivery scooters driving on the sidewalk. Actually, I see no one at all when I run.
I can buy beef...a lot of beef...and beer too!
This is Ash cave in Ohio, I was there two weeks ago. This was an easy shot...I didn't have to hold off 200 North Face shrouded "mountaineers" to get a clear picture.
This is a special time when the joys and benefits of my home culture are all around me and the grim realities of life are held back for a brief while. Life in Asia was not bad, but it makes a comforting contrast.