Friday, October 20, 2006


I always keep a copy of this picture on my computer at work. It is of Jupiter taken by one of the Pioneer missions. The great red spot on the left is roughly the size of the earth and the moon Io is 105% the size of our moon.

Why am putting this picture on my blog?? Two reasons; I need to draw attention away from that horrible id photo below and nothing else significant has happened to me recently, and well...this picture always gets me somehow. Especially when I feel this overwhelming sense of blah...melancholy, or just an inert vapid feeling that the days are walking past me one by one. One by one I try to come up with different reasons to be by one I try to convince myself about why I shouldn't be sad.

I feel this way and I come across a picture like this. It doesn't cheer me up, I am not that big of a dork. But it strikes me as small. The smallness of the image, look at is the biggest planet in our solar system, yet the picture looks the size of beach ball. Maybe it is the shadow of Io, it is just too regular to be something so huge. There it is, this massive ball of immense swirling gas commanding an armada of moons, and I am not impressed!!

Screw you universe! My problems are way more important!!