Wednesday, October 31, 2007

April, 1933

This is from a National Geographic magazine from april of 1933. I don't want to read too much into this, but it is astounding that manufacturers were courting laziness at such an early date, and not even trying to conceal it by naming this thing the lazy-x. I wonder what the 'x' is all about (and where did those lazy-boy chairs go anyway?) I mean, this is a remote control for radio! This is 1933, the western world is in the grip of the Great Depression! Almost every other person is out of work and you can still adjust the volume and tone of the Rin Tin Tin and friends adventure hour (...brought to you by the makers of heinz 57 tomato sauce, always uniform, always the finest) from the comfort of your chair!

Why move? why care?

I was also struck by this ad too. It is, after all, a National Geographic magazine.

Round the world for 500$ eh? not bad... considering the average Canadian household made about that amount in a year if they were lucky enough to be working.

One class ships too...I wonder if that was because everyone was still talking about that Titanic movie.

....and WTF is up with those swastikas!!!


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